Environmental policy

Iceland’s main attraction is the clean nature and vast wilderness as well as an active society. The owners and staff at Narfastadir are aware of their responsibility towards the environment and local society. The guesthouse operates according to the quality standard Vakinn and continues to work on reformation in regards to quality, – environmental and social issues.

VAKINN is the official quality and environmental system within Icelandic tourism


Our environmental- and social goals:

  • Work against any negative impact on the environment created due to our operation by reducing waste and recycling as much as possible.
  • Choose environmentally friendly products and services
  • Use local goods where possible
  • Employ local people
  • Make our guests aware of our environmental policy and encourage them to participate
  • Inform our staff and suppliers on our environmental and social policies and encourage them to participate for best results possible
  • Fræða starfsfólk og upplýsa birgja fyrirtækisins um umhverfis– og sam- félagsstefnu fyrirtækisins og hvetja til betri árangurs.
  • Promote the protection of cultural objects and heritage in our close surroundings
  • Compliance with laws and regulations related to the environment and do better than required
  • Fylgja lögum og reglugerðum er varða umhverfismál og gera betur en krafist er.
  • Support the local youth- and sports activites

Thank you for supporting and assisting us in protecting the environment.